St. George Catholic Church is located in Cooperstown, ND, the county seat of Griggs County. Its current population of some 800 residents includes about 60 Catholic households. It serves the mission parishes of St Lawrence of Jessie, Sacred Heart of Aneta and St. Agatha of Hope.
Cooperstown is located 95 miles northwest of Fargo, ND. Jessie is located twelve miles northwest of Cooperstown; Aneta 25 miles northeast, and Hope 27 miles to the southeast. We are small communities in a primarily agricultural prairie setting, where faith is still strong and life is relatively peaceful.
Like much of rural North Dakota, our communities see smaller numbers of children, and a growing number of senior citizens. Retiring farmers entrust land to younger family or neighbors who manage larger acreages. A good number of cattle ranches retain our younger families with children. While northwestern North Dakota has seen a surge of activity in the area of the Bakken oil fields, our area remains relatively quiet.
Schools in Cooperstown and Hope-Page continue their educational mission for our children. The Griggs County Medical Center provides local care for less serious pathologies. Nursing home care facilities are available in Cooperstown and Aneta. Sheyenne Tooling employs a good number of workers in Cooperstown.
Our parish communities, then, continue to provide Sunday worship and daily liturgies on a rotating schedule, faith formation for our young members, and other spiritual services as needed and requested.
The Sacrament of Marriage
Please notify the Pastor at least eight months prior to the date
The Sacrament of Baptism
Pease contact the Pastor
Cemetery Board
St George — Frank Heinz,
Loren Pfeifer, Ernest Fritel,
Gretchen Kottke
St. Lawrence - George Maertens
Sacred Heart - Jack Kueber
Mass was first celebrated in Jessie in 1888. Two decades later, forty-three families joined forces to build the first wood frame church on the highest hill in Jessie, at a cost of $3000. The structure was later moved to the site of the present church building. A house next door was purchased, and Jessie had a resident priest until 1968.
In 1948 the members built a parish hall. Only a year later, the original church was destroyed by fire. The hall was used for worship until 1951 when the present beautiful brick church was built. The parish celebrated its centennial on June 19, 1988. A new parish hall was attached to the church in October of 1994. The old hall was sold to the Jessie-Binford Wildlife Club. In 2005 a tornado swept through the area. The structure was saved, but new trees and a new sign were put in place.
On July 30, 1906, Bishop Shanley signed the Articles of Incorporation for Sacred Heart Parish. A wood frame church was built at a cost of $4000 by Hans Finnesbo on lots donated by Peter Lippert. Dedicated on June 11, 1907, that structure stands today. In 1956 the parish became a mission of Jessie, later of Tolna, then of Hope and of Larimore. It has been a mission of Cooperstown since 1992.
A parish hall was added to the original structure in 1978, providing for CCD and other functions. A sacristy and entryway were also added on. In 2006, for the parish centennial, the high altarwas restored, along with other sanctuary enhancements.
There is also a parish cemetery, located on two acres of land south of Aneta. Generous donations have enabled a good deal of work to preserve and beautify the grounds.
Until 1931, the few Catholics who lived in Griggs County attended Mass at Jessie or station Mass at Sutton. In that year Fr. Charles Schneider assumed pastorate of St Lawrence and established Cooperstown as a station for celebrating Mass in a member's home or the school.
In 1939, a church building formerly used by the Presbyterians was purchased for $900. It was named St George in honor of the patron saint of the pastor, Father George Miller assigned to Jessie by Bishop Muench. The first Mass was offered in this building on November 26, 1939. At that time there were 82 Catholics, and the number grew to 160 in 1944. The document of parish incorporation is dated August 29, 1941.
In 1944 Bishop Muench asked the Redemptorist Fathers to assume spiritual care of Cooperstown, and raised it to the status of a parish. The Redemptorists established a mission house and it served as a base for their traveling missionaries for twenty years.
In 1945, four acres of land were purchased north of Cooperstown for a parish cemetery. Construction of a new brick church building began in November of 1953. There is a time capsule inside the cornerstone laid by Msgr. Luke Arel.
Spiritual care of the parish was transferred to the priests of the Diocese of Fargo in 1965. There were some 300 members at that time. Father Adam Hasey led the project of building a parish rectory, with a full size catechetical center in the basement. The old mission house was then torn down to make room for a parish parking lot. Stained glass windows designed by the Lightbenders Glass Studio of Fargo were added in the late 1980's.
On December 8 of 2004, the Knights of Columbus formally initiated Our Lady of Lourdes Council 13670 with 36 charter members. Father Richard Fineo oversaw significant renovation and addition to the church interior and sanctuary area between 2005 and 2007. A new hallway and bathroom addition, with platform lift for handicap access to the basement, were added in 2013. Many generous donations made these improvements possible.
The first Mass was offered in Hope, in the Odd Fellows Hall, on May 22, 1892 by Fr. Theodore Majerus of Casselton. Later Masses were held in the Joseph Beckerjeck home, with Father still coming by train from Casselton.
In 1906 the first church was built with the rectory added in 1909. Fr. Harte was the first resident pastor. The present church was built in 1959. A new rectory was added onto the church in 1965 with CCD classrooms added in the basement.